Why did you choose one of Field Lane’s supported-living projects?
We had always cared for Trisha at home. She was our little girl. But as she was getting older and due to ill health in the family, we knew that we had to find an alternative arrangement. Trisha has Angelman’s syndrome and has many challenges to overcome. I was worried we would never be able to find a suitable place for her, one where I could be totally confident in the care.
The moment we walked into the Field Lane property it felt like we’d come home. I couldn’t have imagined finding such an amazing place – it was like a miracle! The staff was so welcoming and went to great lengths to make Trisha feel like she belonged there. They even put on a party to celebrate her 30th birthday just after she’d moved in, eight years ago.
How has living in a Field Lane supported-living project changed your daughter’s life?
Trisha was happy living at home but as time went on, we just weren’t able to give her the amount of stimulation she now enjoys with Field Lane. I had never been able to put my faith in other people – even professional carers – to look after Trisha properly until I came across Field Lane. For the first time I can put my trust in someone else to keep Trisha safe. The staff is so well trained and caring. It’s like a big family. Within a month of being there, Trisha was waving good-bye when I left after a visit and smiling. I know how happy she is.
What does she now do that she couldn’t do before?
Since living with Field Lane, Trisha is more co-operative. No longer being so reliant on her mum, she’s become more independent. She’s matured and grown into a fine young woman. Even her appearance is more grown up, in terms of what she wears. The Field Lane staff keeps her immaculate. I really didn’t expect her to be as well looked after – they’re even more pernickety than her mum!
What impact has it had on you and your family?
A whole new world has opened up, not just for Trisha but also for me. I feel like I have more energy and that’s partly down to knowing Trisha is safe and happy. My biggest fear used to be worrying about what would happen to Trisha if I weren’t around to care for her. I feel blessed to have found Field Lane. I am confident of the ongoing care and support she will continue to receive. It’s a great relief. It’s always concerned me that when a care company gets too big the care element gets lost. This is not the case at Field Lane. The staff seems to be cherry-picked and able to offer real personal care.
I never believed Trisha could be so independent and happy. It’s what I wished for but never thought it would happen. I come from a large family and when Trisha was a child I’d see her cousins having fun and doing things that she couldn’t. That has all changed now. At Field Lane Trisha is living such a full and active life. It’s like all our Christmases and birthdays have come at once! Field Lane has given us everything we could wish for – moving there is the best thing that’s ever happened to us. Trisha has a fabulous life – what more could a mother ask for her child?