We recently received a generous legacy from the family of a client who’d been in our care for many years, at one of our residential supported-living projects. The substantial sum of money that was gifted will be used to benefit other clients living in the house and future clients who come to live with us.
Honouring the memory of a loved one through a legacy gift is one of the most positive ways to celebrate their life. The gift will help ensure the charity can plan for the future and be confident that it is able to continue its work for generations to come.
For the last few years of our client’s life she was bed bound, so one of the ways we are honouring her memory is by purchasing hoist tracking. This will enable other bed bound residents to use the communal areas of the house and socialise with other housemates.
The money will also be used to refurbish parts of the house and build a sensory room for the garden, which will be fully equipped so that clients are able to use it all year round. Given the complex nature of our clients' learning disabilities, a sensory room will provide a space for stimulation and calm. It will be living memorial to our legacy giver, one that will benefit current and future residents in our care.
There are three ways of making a legacy gift, either in a will or in memory, as a tribute, or for a celebration, a birthday or anniversary in lieu of presents.
If you would like more information about how you can leave a legacy gift to Field Lane, please email: info@fieldlane.org.uk; telephone: 020 7748 0303 or visit the donate page on our website: www.fieldlane.org.uk/donate