We’re getting ready for World Autism Acceptance Week. From 28 March to 3 April, we’re taking part in the National Autistic Society’s World Autism Acceptance Week. The aim of the week is to raise awareness and acceptance of people with autism. Celebrating its 60th year, the National Autistic Society’s aim is to create a society that works for people with autism.
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects one in 100 people. Many of our clients with learning disabilities are also autistic. We are proud to have been accredited by the National Autistic Society for the work we do in Surrey with clients who are autistic. We actively support improved rights, services, and opportunities for people with autism. We want all our clients to lead full, active, and independent lives. This is at the heart of everything we do.
For more information about the week and to get involved, visit the NAS website. There is something for everyone!