Roots & Heritage
Learn more about our history and heritage
Field Lane has been caring for people since 1841. Our care and support services are provided for adults with learning disabilities and vulnerable families; those in need of additional support to meet their hopes and aspirations.
Our Christian heritage is at the heart of all that we do. We express the love of God through our work, delivering services to people of all faiths and those with no faith. We try to work with a Christian understanding of society and the uniqueness and preciousness to God of individuals within it. Field Lane was called into being to support people who are marginalized or at risk of being isolated and excluded.
The way in which the work of care and support is planned and delivered reflects these principles. Staff, commissioners and service users appreciate that this is a different sort of organisation and that we have strong values. We always ensure a client centred approach is adopted in all our services.
The Victorian past
Field Lane has a modern approach but is a charity with a long and interesting past. It started in the notorious ‘Field Lane’ area, which has now been incorporated into Saffron Hill, London, EC1. Andrew Provan, a London City Missioner, came to the area in 1841 to teach children and young people. By 1860 the ‘ragged school’ he founded was teaching over 500 children and young people every day in one enormous classroom.
It was clear to Andrew Provan that unemployment, sickness, family breakdown, overcrowded housing and lack of opportunity were all major problems in the area. Services were introduced such as visiting the sick, distributing maternity baskets, providing job training and placements through the industrial schools and even small businesses were opened. Night refuges were also opened with immediate success. The Field Lane Ragged School enjoyed the support of many well known people and became one of the most famous of the ‘ragged schools’.
Well known supporters
Lord Shaftesbury became President of Field Lane in 1843 and his support continued until his death in 1885. He used his knowledge of the ‘ragged schools’ and his understanding of the families’ living conditions to press for change in legislation. Lord Shaftesbury was also the President of the Ragged School Union, which Field Lane helped to found in 1844. The Ragged School Union later became known as the Shaftesbury Society and in 2007 it merged with John Grooms to form the charity Livability.
Charles Dickens first visited The Field Lane Ragged School in 1843 and was so moved by his experience that he wrote ‘A Christmas Carol’. He kept in touch, making donations, and later wrote about the school and his experience in ‘Household Words’. He had earlier used the area called Field Lane as a setting for Fagin’s den in Oliver Twist (1837).

Working with older people
In 1947, the unmet needs of older people caught Field Lane’s attention. The loneliness, failing health, inadequate and unsuitable housing were all things that Field Lane felt it could address. A range of options were offered to the elderly including residential and nursing care, sheltered accommodation and day care. Field Lane also developed an expertise in dementia. This was an area in which Field Lane continued to provide support until the early 21st century.
Working with vulnerable families
In 1995, the poor bed and breakfast conditions in which homeless families in London were being forced to live also attracted the charity’s attention and a support service was opened. This work with families has expanded and adapted and it now offers supported housing with specialist learning opportunities for families along with personalised support.
Working with people with learning disabilities
An approach by the NHS, during the closure of a hospital for people with a learning disability in Southend, led Field Lane to open a nursing home in 1993. The success of this encouraged the charity to use this expertise to help more people with a learning disability. Field Lane opened its first supported housing scheme for adults with a learning disability in 2005. Similar homes, which promote life quality and independence, have been opened. Domiciliary care agencies, offering support to the wider community, have been established as well. New projects, aimed at making a difference to the everyday lives of people, continue to be developed.